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AXA Equitable Life Insurance Review: Plans and Rates

Researcher & Writer
May 08, 2018

With thousands of life insurance companies to choose from it can be difficult to know which company to choose. In the following review of AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company we will cover the pros, cons, and offer a recommendation. Are you considering AXA Equitable Life as your life insurance provider?

If you are looking for AXA Equitable Life Insurance Reviews, you are in the right place! AXA Equitable is a top rated life insurance company and currently an honorable mention in our best term life insurance policies list.

About AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company

AXA Equitable was established in 1859 as Equitable Life Insurance Society of America. AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC is a global leader in insurance. In 2014, the Company celebrated its sixth consecutive year as the #1 insurance brand in the world according to the Interbrand annual report. AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company is an awesome company on solid financial footing.

The company operates under the following brands
  • AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company
  • AXA Advisors, LLC
  • AXA Distributors, LLC
  • AllianceBernstein, LP
  • MONY Life Insurance Company of America

AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company’s Ratings

All AXA Equitable Life Insurance reviews will need to address the Company’s strong ratings. A.M. Best Company, the flagship rating agency, gives AXA Equitable an A+ rating. Standard and Poor’s rates AXA Equitable an A+ rating. AXA Equitable is financially strong with over $584.9 billion in assets as of August 15, 2015.

A.M. Best Co.
Standard & Poor's
"Superior""Very Strong""Excellent""Strong"
2nd highest of 164th highest of 214th highest of 215th highest of 21

Pros of AXA Equitable

In the following section of this AXA Equitable Life Insurance Review we will cover the pros to choosing AXA Equitable Life as your insurance provider.

Products Offered by AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company

Issued by AXA Life or MONY Life Insurance Company, AXA Equitable offers both term life and permanent life insurance.

Interest Sensitive Whole Life

Whole life insurance to age 100 policy that is fully paid up at age 100. This whole life policy is focused on providing a guaranteed death benefit. It is non-participating, which means it does not offer dividend return of premium payments.

Life insurance policy loans are available, but the portion of your cash value borrowed against will receive a different interest rate than the unloaned portion.

Cash value life insurance benefits include:

  • Guaranteed Cash Value
  • Guaranteed Premium
  • Tax Deferred Cash Value Accumulation

Universal Life

AXA Equitable also offers three varieties of Universal Life Insurance: Universal, Indexed and Variable Life. We will focus our attention on AXA Equitables IUL policy.

Athena Indexed Universal Life

This indexed universal life insurance policy has all the benefits of universal life with the additional benefit of earning greater cash value growth through indexed accounts. Available for clients age 35-70.

The policy offers a floor and cap rate. The floor is a guaranteed 0%. The cap is subject to change and is declared by the company.

The policy is designed for high cash value growth. Life insurance loans are available at 1% loan spread in years 1-10 and 0% spread in years 10+.

There is a 20 year surrender charge period.

5 Account options

  • S&P 500 Price Return Indexed Option with 1-Year Segment Term
  • Russell 2000 Price Return Indexed Option with 1-Year Segment Term
  • MSCI EAFE Price Return Indexed Option with 1-Year Segment Term
  • S&P 500 Price Return Indexed Option with 3-Year Segment Term
  • Guaranteed Interest Account

For those considering life insurance for children, this policy is issued at a standard plus rate class (as opposed to preferred and preferred plus) for kids ages 0-17 years of age. An option to purchase additional insurance rider is available. Also known as a guaranteed insurability rider, this rider allows your child or young adult to purchase additional coverage with no proof of insurability at ages 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37 and 40.

Under IRC 7702, definition of life insurance you can choose either:

  • Guideline Premium Test (GPT) or
  • Cash Value Accumulation Test (CVAT)

Long-Term Care Services Rider

Many people looking for life insurance also need to consider the rising costs of long term care. The cost associated with a critical illness or severe cognitive disorder needs to be considered for anyone wanting to protect their financial future. One way to provide both a lump sum death benefit if you die or an income benefit to help with LTC costs, is through life insurance with long term care rider.

Long-Term Care Services Rider snapshot:

  • Available for ages 20-75.
  • Cash Indemnity LTC benefit that can be used however you wish.
  • Increasing death benefit option allows for your policy death benefit to grow, as well as the cash value, which can likewise grow the LTC benefit.
  • No premiums due while on a claim.
  • Monthly benefit income amount options equal to 1%, 2% or 3% of death benefit.

AXA Equitable BrightLife Term

Guaranteed level term life available in 1 (ART) , 10, 15, 20 year terms. 10 year term available for ages 18-75. Term policies are guaranteed renewable to age 95. Annual renewable term (ART) rate may be locked in for years 1-3, with face amounts as low as $100,000.

Available Term Riders

AXA Equitable BrightLife Term

AXA Equitable Life Insurance niches

  • Excellent company for clients with high cholesterol levels. Total cholesterol is not as important as the overall good cholesterol to bad cholesterol ratio. A client with a total cholesterol level of 300 can still qualify for preferred elite, the top rate class.
  • Height to weight chart is slightly looser offering a greater chance of best rate class for those who have larger builds.
  • Tobacco users can request status change to non tobacco after the first policy year. Underwriting is required.

AXA Equitable has some of the top life insurance rates by age.

Sample $500,000 AXA Equitable BrightLife Quotes
Face Amount

10 Year

15 Year

20 Year













S.T.E.P. (Smart Total Evaluation Program)

S.T.E.P. is a program offered through AXA Equitable that allows for a “step” up in health rate classification based on a potential client’s healthy lifestyle.


In the following section of this AXA Equitable Life Insurance Review we will cover the cons to choosing AXA Equitable as your life insurance provider.

AXA Equitable Life is but one of many

As is the case of every insurance carrier, AXA Equitable Life simply cannot serve the needs of every client. AXA Equitable is but one of many life insurance companies available. We work with the best life insurance companies in the U.S. Let us help you find the best company at the best price—for you!


We at TermLife2Go have a recommendation for anyone considering a life insurance policy from AXA Equitable for life insurance. Give us a call and let us see if AXA Equitable Life is the best company with the best price for your life insurance needs. If the Company happens to be the best offer for you we will let you know. However, with dozens of top rated life insurance companies and no medical exam life insurance companies to choose from, you might save thousands of dollars over the life of your insurance policy by going with another life insurance provider.

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We are a team of life insurance experts with the simple mission of helping you find the best coverage for your unique situation. We research, review, and rank life insurance companies to make that process easier.